Saturday, July 7, 2007

Week 6, thingy 13

I was convinced about the usefulness of during the podcast/video instruction when she gave an example of looking for articles for research, then following the tagging trail to other people and resources. The PLCMCL2 place had lots of resources about IM reference (for example) including links to libraries that do IM reference, related articles, and types of Im-ing software. Also there was a link to Learning 2.0 thoughts = people reflect on the experience. I checked out, searched for 'cat', and got 50,609 results including a site called 'cats in sinks.' It is one photo after another of cats in sinks-- why am I not surprised that there is such a place? Followed a couple of the other tags on the cat places (pets, funny) and got to all sorts of NOT cat-related places. Went back to the d home page looking for 'popular' places saved by lots of people and found an article on web copyright. Other tags appear on that article i.e. blog, law, rules, as do comments by other people who had been to this place.

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